Discovery Designs

This is where rough designs of the new research discovery system will be published. It will generally be displayed as static HTML files with very light interaction (if any.) Each design will have an associated Google Document which will contain notes and various design decisions represented in that particular design. It is meant to be a light way for us to "design out in the open" and allow anyone interested to follow and contribute to the design process.

Click the diagram below to see the status of the website.


You can think of the wireframes and mock-ups on this site as visual brainstorming of high level concepts and components that inform and support the ongoing prototyping/development of the system. The goals of these designs are as follows:

  1. Provide visual representations of high level concepts and components of the discovery system to improve overall coordination, communication, direction, and standardization within the team and with stakeholders.
  2. Provide living and visual documentation of the design process for use during the development process and for future product development internally and externally.
  3. Provide a space for innovation, inspiration, and critical thinking about digital library work. This will enable us to remove assumptions about how a catalog should work, focus on the research community that it will serve, and demonstrate what a library can and should build when artificial barriers are removed.
  4. Provide a space to work transparently and collaboratively by publishing near-realtime designs and documentation and providing clear channels for dialogue and feedback.

Definitions & Purpose

User journey



Mock-ups have some overlap with wireframes in that they are also visual representations of high level concepts and components of the discovery system to improve overall coordination, communication, direction, and standardization within the team and with stakeholders. However, they are different in the following ways:


Your feedback is critical to the design process. In addition to setting up in-person feedback with groups and individuals in the research community, we will be receiving feedback online using the following process:

  1. Each design will have a Google Document associated with it which will contain a list of design components and descriptions
  2. Visit a document and make sure you are signed in using your account
  3. Add a comment to any part of the document that is relevant to your feedback. This will allow us to discuss the issue with you and possibly resolve it
  4. If you can't find a relevant item in the document to add a comment to, please add your issue to the bottom of the document and include your email address or add a comment to it so we can respond to you.

All types of feedback are welcome, but given the goals of the designs, a focus on high-level feedback is preferred. Some examples of high-level feedback:

Email or Slack @beefoo in #discovery for any other questions or feedback that does not fit into the above process or if you'd like to set up an in-person feedback session.

Table of Contents

  1. Homepage

    1. Wireframe
    2. Mock-up 1.A.
    3. Mock-up 1.B. - Alpha
  2. Search Results Page

    1. Wireframe - Alexander Hamilton
    2. Wireframe - Paris Review
    3. Mock-up 1.A. - Alexander Hamilton
    4. Mock-up 1.B. - Alpha - Locofoco
  3. Item Page

    1. Wireframe - The Federalist papers
    2. Wireframe - Hathi Trust document viewer / ReCAP
    3. Mock-up 1.A. - Federalist Papers
    4. Mock-up 1.B. - Alpha - A political register
  4. Serial Page

    1. Wireframe - Paris Review
  5. Place A Hold Page

    1. Wireframe
    2. Mock-up 1.A.
    3. Mock-up 1.B. - Alpha
  6. Hold Confirmation Page

    1. Wireframe
    2. Mock-up 1.A.
    3. Mock-up 1.B. - Alpha
  7. Hold List Page

    1. Wireframe
    2. Mock-up 1.A.
  8. View Item Hold Page

    1. Wireframe
    2. Mock-up 1.A.
  9. Manage Item Hold Page

    1. Wireframe
  10. Agent Page

    1. Wireframe - Alexander Hamilton
  11. Advanced Search Page

    1. Wireframe
    2. Mock-up 1.A.
  12. Browse Page

    1. Wireframe