The Federalist papers

The Federalist papers

Edited and with an introduction by Ian Shapiro. Essays by John Dunn, Donald L. Horowitz, Eileen Hunt Botting
This is a book written in English published by New Haven : Yale University Press in 2009. The library has 23 more editions of this book.

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Item details

The Federalist papers : Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay / edited and with an introduction by Ian Shapiro ; with essays by John Dunn, Donald L. Horowitz, Eileen Hunt Botting.
Uniform title
New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009.
xxii, 579 p. ; 21 cm.
Rethinking the Western tradition.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
  • Introduction: The Federalist then and now / Ian Shapiro
  • The Federalist papers
  • The Articles of Confederation
  • The Constitution of the United States of America
  • Amendments to the Constitution of the United States
  • Unmanifest destiny / John Dunn
  • The Federalist abroad in the world / Donal L. Horowitz
  • Protofeminist responses to the Federalist-Antifederalist debate / Eileen Hunt Botting.
  • 9780300118902 (pbk.)
  • 0300118902 (pbk.)
Research call number
IB 09-5067

Other editions of "The Federalist papers"

External data

Publisher's summary
  • This authoritative edition of the complete texts of the "Federalist Papers", the Articles of Confederation, the U.S. Constitution, and the Amendments to the U.S. Constitution features supporting essays in which leading scholars provide historical context and analysis. An introduction by Ian Shapiro offers an overview of the publication of the "Federalist Papers" and their importance. In three additional essays, John Dunn explores the composition of the "Federalist Papers" and the conflicting agendas of its authors; Eileen Hunt Botting explains how early advocates of women's rights, most prominently Mercy Otis Warren, Judith Sargent Murray, and Charles Brockden Brown, responded to the Federalist-Antifederalist debates; and Donald Horowitz discusses the "Federalist Papers" from the perspective of recent experiments with democracy and constitution-making around the world. These essays both illuminate the original texts and encourage active engagement with them.
  • Source: Nielsen Book Data
Wikipedia summary
  • The Federalist is a collection of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay promoting the ratification of the United States Constitution.
  • Source: Wikipedia

External links

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Cite this book

Hamilton, A., Madison, J., Jay, J., & Shapiro, I. (2009). The Federalist papers: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Hamilton, Alexander, James Madison, John Jay, and Ian Shapiro. The Federalist Papers: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009. Print.
Hamilton, Alexander, James Madison, John Jay, and Ian Shapiro. 2009. The Federalist papers: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay. New Haven: Yale University Press.
HAMILTON, A., MADISON, J., JAY, J., & SHAPIRO, I. (2009). The Federalist papers: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay. New Haven, Yale University Press.
Hamilton, Alexander, James Madison, John Jay, and Ian Shapiro. The Federalist Papers: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009.
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